Monday, December 3, 2007

A New Beginning

Welcome, and thanks for checking out my new blog! Having reached what I feel is a turning point in my life, and nearing the end of another year, I decided that now is the time to cave in and start blogging again.

Those of you who know me probably know I have had a very difficult few months recently. After I grew tired of my former employer walking all over me, I found myself unemployed for the first time since I entered the IT industry...Even knowing that this was going to be for the better in the long run I couldn't help but feel down on things due to the sudden lack of income and excess of idle time. I felt truly blessed to have the support of my family during this time. I don't know what I would have done without it!

Last week I started a new job that I feel will be ideal for me. I am still in the IT industry, but it feels like something completely different than I had become used to. I now have the freedom to do my job as I see fit without being micromanaged. I'm getting paid on time. I don't leave work feeling guilty anymore because I now work for an ethical company! Most everything I could only have wished for at work before has now become a reality. For the first time in several years I am finally feeling optimistic about the future of my career!


Unknown said...

Yeah, Jeff!!

Unknown said...

GG Jefftard!!!! Go you!!!! How did you feel guilty at your other job tho?? But hey, at least you found something that you like and that's all that matters!!! TTYL